Author: frederic - page 33

Living by the water – More then just boats

8th August 2021 – Since I’m still new in Oudenburg I made a nice walk with a neighbour, something I do every few evenings. She lives by the water and I live on the water. Two different worlds, but both of them are just the same in many ways. Where I used to watch the boats and the people on the water, I now start looking more at the environment, trees, open fields, birds, …. Living on a canal is more then just boats!

Stad Rotterdam – Moving to Oudenburg

8th August 2021 – The owner wanted to move her ship to have a few days off. I took the opportunity to move the little dinghy alongside. While we had some wind issues in the beginning because of a broken bridge, the rest of  the journey was great.  Just before arriving in Plassendale, I detached the little boat, jumped on it and made it to the side!

Stern – Oiling the steps

7th August 2021 –  After rowing for two hours, walking back to the car and coming home, I started sanding the steps a little more. I put a good coat of oil on them and ten minutes later it started raining…

Rowing with a dinghy to the Watergeus

7th August 2021 – To gain some time tomorrow, and not to have to pass the lock tomorrow, I asked the lock if I could move my ship by hand. Then I rowed it to my houseboat. It took me much longer then expected. Water and wind were an enemy while in Oudenburg, I had a feeling it would have helped me. The boat is now alongside my houseboat.


Baron – Trip

4th August 2021 – While making a small walk, I noticed the Baron was making its first trip with the new owners. They are working hard on making a beauty again from this historical sailing ship.

Stern – Journey to Oudenburg

4th August 2021 – When moving the Stern, so many people looked at me. Some of them were seriously interested, others were looking at the ship like it was a wreck…. What people don’t know is that I’m proud of owning this ship. Many people want to own a ship or dream of one. I just did it. Tough or sad, I don’t care. I made it safely to Oudenburg with the white lifeboat alongside. Now it is time to continue working on the Stern to finish her.  Earlier this month I was still planning on selling her, now I know more then ever I will use her for cruising on our canals in the evening. 

Later that evening, I continued sanding down the new door for the back and had a great evening with one of the neighbours.


Tordino – Another nocturne

31st July 2021 – Last week, I salvaged an old table from the canal. I now installed it in my kitchen. I used the old adjustable table leg from the Stern. So I got a free table, twice the size of the original one for free! 

We had another nocturne event in the evening. It was a success and people were happy!


Baron – Sold

29th July 2021 – I sold the Baron. There goes my dream of sailing. It is probably the ship I owned the briefest. I have another project coming up and therefore, I can’t maintain all of them. Selling the Stern was  an option, but it needs finishing and in the end, I’m not a sailor. It seems romantic but, I prefer the little canals…