Tordino – Tiling the kitchen

10th January 2021 – The kitchen area is one of the last rooms I need to upgrade. I removed the wallpaper at the kitchen cupboard. The idea was to drill holes in the tiles and screw them like it used to be done. I ended up gluing the tiles. It was a first time job, including cutting the tiles. I was happy with the result. We shall see somewhere next week if they still stick. 

The doors of my cupboard were damaged by the previous owner. I made some new panels. Not sure if I shall paint them or vanish them….

At least, some work has been done.

Tordino – New heather

9th January 2021 – I was always against pellet heather since I had some issues with my first model. It never worked and I spent more money on repairs then what I paid for it. Last year I bought a new one for the Watergeus and I’m happy with it. Now I’ve just ordered one for Tordino for the living room. I want it a bit warmer then what comes out of my central heating system. It is a cheaper model, but it gives 8KW. Should be enough for the old accommodation. I will need to make some adjustments to the living room and outside so it fits. 

Tordino – Parquet in the wheelhouse part II

6th January 2021 – I finished the  parquet in the wheelhouse while my mother cleaned the compass. A support, similar to the one in the Watergeus, was made to hold te compass. It needs varnishing before everything can be mounted. A few more small jobs were done.

On the steps of Tordino, I mounted three bronze bars as anti-slip.  The came from old steps I found aboard Stad Rotterdam. They are more then 100 years old. Mother cleaned them earlier this week and now they are useful again! 

Tordino – Small details and parquet in the wheelhouse

5th January 2021 – I started early in the morning mounting the curtain boxes again. I made them a little wider so we can easily have access to the curtains now. The bathroom was redone last year but I hadn’t finished the little details, something I did now while I had my compressor and nail gun aboard.

Most of the afternoon was spent building the  parquet in the wheelhouse. I need another day to finish it. 

Tordino – Curtains

4th January 2021 – We hung the curtains aboard Tordino in the afternoon. It is looking cozy. I also removed the unnecessary stuff and tools from my living room. I don’t know wat the Dutch are having with little storage, but I ran out of space a long time ago.

Tordino – Compass

30th December 2020 – On the way back, I picked up a rebuilt oil lamp for the wheelhouse. Last Saturday I already bought a compass. Both items are now in the wheelhouse of Tordino. It is starting to look nice. A bit more braze and a wooden floor will make it look finished. 


And just to finish the last bits, I bought a small metal boat for behind Tordino. The year is over, so is my money!