21st November 2020 – We went with the three of us to Franker to have a meeting and to do some work. The meeting took some time but we got there in the end. Once in the hall where the vessel is being converted we had the unpleasant discovery that the ship is not as high and as wide as we believed so. We made new plans and by changing the position of the bulkhead, and adding the watertank to the front, we can keep the same living space.
Most of the afternoon was gone by removing tar from the side of the ship while one of us was scraping the bilges. A whole barrel of dirt came out. I hoped to discover some older marks, but instead I found a rotten spot and a few old old scratches from hitting something. It is so interested to be so close to to a ship, you start feeling her history. I removed some paint from the bow to find out the old colours that were used.
Exhausted but happy with the result, we returned our journey to Bruges, another 4 hours of driving.