6th July 2022 – While working outside on my wheelhouse, I took some time to take pictures of the Dabricy.
Month: July 2022 - page 2
6th July 2022 – We removed the cover from the wheelhouse roof. The idea is to put a new roof on, next Saturday. The ship is already looking much better without a cover!
5th July 2022 – Something that is on my priority list: replacing the wheelhouse roof. It was rotten when I bought it. It was fixed with tape and later with a cover. I can’t fix it anymore. I need a new one!
3rd July 2022 – Two nice little barges passed by, I suppose both of them were English built.
3rd July 2020 – We mainly cleaned the outside of the ship and most of all the roof of the wheelhouse. I connected the solar panels to the wiring in the ship and moved the VHF antennas. Since I mounted a metal support for the search lights, the antennas could no longer be collapsed in case we were passing a low bridge.
2nd July 2022 – The day started relaxed by mounting the curtains in the living room and sealing the windows in the bedroom. Then I started welding the brackets for the solar panels, fixed the railing and mounted a small wooden mast. So far so good.
I raised the solar panels and wanted to weld the bolted frame to the new supports. About ten seconds later, solar panel one started cracking into thousand pieces…
Slightly frustrated, I removed everything and made a new smaller frame for one panel…
And I must admit, one panel is looking better then the two that were squeezed into the roof.