6th November 2018 – As usual, when they take me out of the water and when thy put me back in, I always feel nervous. Today was no difference.
They started pretty early and I tried watching the whole operation until I had to go aboard the ship. There was still another ship behind me in the water. The owner did a bit difficult about moving, so they had to tow him somewhere else.

The engine didn’t start at once, but after a second attempt, she did. Going down in the water was new to me on a slipway. Normally I always go to a yard where they pull you out on the length of the ship. Going into the water was done in a few seconds. It felt slightly like your ship was breaking. Smoke came from the rails. Once I was in the water, we moored her alongside a 110 meter ship. The owner gave me power and we had a coffee.

I tried catching some sleep. I woke up and heard an engine running. I had no power. The ship alongside me moved forward. It is so nice to sleep on a yard!