Author: frederic - page 8

Tordino – Emptying the front part II

23rd July 2023 – In the afternoon I removed some more stuff like spare computers and tools. I slightly see some space becoming empty.

In the Library, I added another set of shelves for my books. I had one left at home, so I installed it. It gives me some more expansion space to add books before I start the conversion in September.

I added a rack in the office space to put the stuff that is now stored in boxes. One day, I will be organized…

In the evening I continued scanning, around 125 book covers are scanned so far.


Tordino – Emptying the front

22nd July 2023 – Another conversion of Tordino is being prepared. The front of the ship is a workshop and storage space. It will become an extension of the library. Therefore it needs to be empty first… I filled my care and barely noticed something was gone…

Tordino – Driving to Enkhuizen

20th July 2023 – We had the chance to get over 400 books for our library. My car was over it’s maximum capacity, but we made it safely back home. All book covers will now be scanned before the books are available in our Library.

Tordino – Enthusiastic people

16th July 2023 – While scanning books and documents aboard Tordino, I had a few enthusiastic people. One of them restored a small Dutch barge for loading sand. It is now in a fully working condition. Very impressive to see! He gave me two books he wrote. They are a nice and very welcome addition to the library.



Spuikom-1 – Painting and repairing

15th July 2023 – At lunchtime I started making a quick makeover of the old boat stored in a warehouse near Tordino. I quickly sanded down the wood, cleaned the hull and repainted the boat.  There was some damage to the bow as well. This I tried sorting out with epoxy, my first repair ever with this product.

Vlet Djoey – Getting back from the yard

14th July 2023 – We sailed back from the yard. It had been a long time since I last sailed through the harbour of Ostend. It was a good and friendly service. In no time we passed two locks and two bridges had to open for us. Maybe something to do with the Stern somewhere in September…