Month: February 2021
24th February 2021 – I made a temporary door aboard the Stern where most of my tools are. I drove to Beernem and mounted it. Never make something for a ship somewhere else but on the ship where it is ment for! I had to cut it twice, but it nicely fits. Just before I left, I gave it a first coat of oil. How long will this door last? No idea. I’m happy with six months!
23rd February 2021 – I sanded down the cabin on port side and gave it a fresh coat of white paint. The new entrance also got it first coat. It is starting to look a bit more like an integrated entrance. I had some trouble connecting the hose for the drainage of the water. It is now attached to the pipes, but it certainly needs adjusting. The pipe is no standard size so I will have to buy a bigger hose.
At the end of the afternoon, I went to the other side of the canal to take some more pictures.
21st February 2021 – I started cleaning up the mess that was left last night. Then I started removing the green paint from the top o the kitchen. Something went wrong and the paint started pealing off. While doing so, I also removed most of the paint from the rivited lifeboat. My mother did the rest while my father started cleaning the deck with a high pressure machine.
20th February 2021 – We started early in the morning we were stopped yesterday. With a heavy jack we managed to get the cabin in position, a tricky and dangerous operation where many things could go wrong. Having the right tools is half the job. Not being afraid the other half.
I could not take many pictures since I was holding the tools or the cabin so it would not fall in the water. At the end of the evening we didn’t finish all the welding. Another day is necessarily to finis the job. Before going home I cleaned most of the grinding dust from the deck.
19th February 2021 – Still disappointing about this morning, I went to have a look at the Hornblower where they are rebuilding her. It motivated me to start on the Stern. Aboard the Stern, I did some t&g around the cupboards in the wheelhouse and around the windows. I cut the remaining expanded foam as well.
One serious day of working and most of the wheelhouse should be finished.
19th February 2021 – We tried mounting the entrance but it did not work, so we try again tomorrow with proper tools. I was a bit frustrate and hoped to be much further. Also the weather was not as promised, or at least not in the morning.
16th February 2021 – I just did some t&g and foam insulation in the wheelhouse. The remaining wood that was stored in the wheelhouse is now in my van. It gives me some space to manoeuvre.
15th February 2021 – I was worried about my ships. I had to work today and then go to the dentist. I was more afraid something would be wrong with a pipe then they would find some holes in my teeth. But both were fine! Nice weather is coming so I’ll start working again tomorrow.
Those few degrees extra outside make it back a warm feeling aboard the Watergeus. I now have again 18°C instead of 8°C. So, one day of not heating takes three days to heat the whole ship!
14th February 2021 – When people can start skating, it is time to worry about pipes and frost damage. I had trouble with the bathroom outlet but also with the cold water system aboard the Watergeus. I’m not sure yet if the Stern will be fine. I did put a lot of heating aboard but it is still worrying. I had a few drinks in the evening aboard the Stern. It is a small ship, so easily to heat. The canal is sill partly frozen so we shall see tomorrow.
In the meantime, the outlet issue of the Watergeus is solved, but it is still only 11°C in the living room, 3°C more then this morning!
14th February 2021 – I made a frame for the hatch for the entrance to the back part of the engine room. This will be the main access for the battery and battery switch. It was really cold and I didn’t get so far as I wanted.
14th February 2021 – No matter how hard I tried keeping everything warm, the outlet pipe for the bathroom is frozen. I can’t use the shower or toilet at the moment. It is really cold, dry air and minus 5°C. I added another electric heather in the technical room. Let’s hope there is no permanent damage.
13th February 2021 – We went to have a look at the ship and did some painting. There is still a lot that needs to be done. It will be impossible to get the deadline. We put some parts in primer and gave others a first coat of colour. Sadly enough not everything was welded so painting these spots were no option. None of us has time next week to come, but they want to move the boat to another hall. The glass for the windows will take another 4 weeks.