Author: frederic - page 184

Watergeus – Snowing

23th November 2008 – It was to cold to work, I tried but without success. While having a coffee at my neighbour, it started snowing, and after ten minutes, everything started getting covered with snow, the perfect time to take pictures.

Watergeus – Adding a second fusebox

22nd November 2008 – While we worked on the electricity it started snowing. Today, they would deliver the new fridge to the neighbour. The first time snow and she had to open her wheelhouse roof..

In the afternoon we made up another fusebox would be necessary, since we forgot to calculate the boiler and the cooking equipment for the kitchen, three very power consuming equipment. I bought a bigger fusebox, so the tools in the engine room and the back accommodation could also become connected to this new box in the future. An expensive cost now, but in the end it had to be done anyway.

My parents worked on the sleeping room, while I helped pulling cables for the ship. After two days of work, the bathroom and kitchen are nearly finished.

Watergeus – Ballast

16th November 2008 – Mainly worked in the office space and corridor, putting little lists. In the evening, I filled my water tanks for the back accommodation. The more weight in the back, the better for steering. I’m also trying to figure out how much more weight I’ll need since my library and watertanks are near the front of the ship.

Watergeus – Ikea shopping

15th November 2008 – Decided not to work, but to go to Ikea and look for some smaller pieces of furniture / decoration and a kitchen. I came back with two lights and that’s it. In another shop I found a new shower tray in heavy metal like the old days. They had to lift it in our car with two people.

Watergeus – Bathroom

9th November 2008 – Worked in the bathroom, preparing the panels for the side. I can’t fix them yet since water pipes, electricity and insulation have to be put. Since I had some time left and didn’t know what else to do, I cut all the panels and put them in the bathroom. Saves time somewhere next year when building the bathroom.

Watergeus – Bedroom

8th November 2008 – Finished another wall for the sleeping room. The last one can’t be done right now, we need to wait till the electrician has finished his job on that wall.

The remaining lists in the office space were mounted, and I installed some music boxes. Before you can actually call a room finished, it does take a lot of time. The problem is, I’m using it unfinished, making it harder and less useful to complete it.

Watergeus – Bedroom t&g

4th November 2008 – We worked on the side of the portholes in the sleeping room. We nearly spent four hours creating one row of pine wood. It was extremely difficult getting it right. The result is good, but we didn’t get that far.

Arma – Stripping the back accommodation

26th October 2008 – I had the chance to remove all pieces I wanted from the back accommodation. Sadly the inside was redone in the 90’s and they didn’t use any quality stuff. While removing the new paneling to get to the roof, I noticed behind the walls and underneath the roof, there was another layer of wood, damaged to badly so no use in saving it. I saved some smaller lists and details for my own ship, also some furniture and cooking equipment.

In the afternoon, everything was loaded in a van and dropped on my ship. In the evening I started sorting out all the wood, making sure I could rebuild some frames, etc… I started sorting out the screws, but gave this up very quickly.

Watergeus – Electricity

25th October 2008 – We continued working on the electricity, so there is no light and power in the kitchen.

In the afternoon, I started working on the sleeping room, putting the finishing wood on the side. It is looking good.