Author: frederic - page 208

Watergeus – 24v system

19th November 2006 – Today, the electrician fixed the rest of the 24 volts power, switched on the navigation lights and made the 220v system to work, finally, again power on my boat!

I helped again with the spits barge and also bought a watertight door for the entrance of my boat. I can no travel over the IJsselmeer without having to worry if water would get on my deck. The door is heavy, so we might have to strengthen the door entrance.

In the late afternoon, I took some pictures of my boat from Lore’s boat. Here are a couple:

Watergeus – Metal work finished

18th November 2006 – This morning, a big surprised had happened. The metal work was finished from the outside. The inside, ribs and welding the bulkhead still needs to be done.

My electrician repaired the 24 volts in the back accommodation, not an easy job since all cables were hidden behind the paneling.

Since Lore was moored next to my boat an a lot of work needed to be done on her spits barge, I decided to help her a hand.


Watergeus – Last bit of wood gone

5th November 2006 – An emotional moment when the last bit of the wooden construction had been removed, but that does also mean that the end of the big work is in sight!

We ended today, after a heavy week of work, in which the cargo hold is now nearly completely covered and watertight. Inside, a lot of work still needs to happen, such as the ribs, the windows and the slots for the hatches.

Watergeus – Breaking down the wooden roof

4th November 2006 – A big part of the wooden roof has been removed, so we could continue with building the metal sides, as can be seen in the picture here below.

The plates were fixed and two more were added. It does take a long time forgetting them right, without the tools. There are so many things, we need to think about, such as the width of the gangway, the height of the side, the width of the cargo hold and the supports for the hatches. It is more complicated then it looks!


Watergeus – A day of doing nothing

3th November 2006 – Besides some painting, not much happened today. I took some pictures of the other vessels for my website and that’s about it.

In the late evening, some wood was removed and two more plates were loosely placed, without measuring. That was a job for tomorrow.

Watergeus – Terrible neighbour

2nd November 2006 – I woke up, wasn’t to happy about the night, had a coffee with the neighbor and went for a short walk, before working. He moored his ship very loosely and made a lot of noise.

It was raining all morning, so I cleaned the wheelhouse and my technical room (extension to the engine room). The two dirty water tanks are placed on one side, my generator on the other side. In the middle I still have enough space for another two tanks. I also painted one side of the newly created watertight compartment.

In the afternoon, an electrician came to have a look at both my 24v installation and my future 220v system. Later that day, when the weather became better, we continued working on the sides.

Watergeus – Working on the den

1st November 2006 – The weather wasn’t to good for painting, sometimes sun shine, sometimes raining. In the morning, I was able to paint the new cabin and the deck. Those were the two parts that were completely finished.

In the afternoon, we continued with the sides. It is taking us every time more time to put the plates in position, maintaining the lining and distance between both sides, so the hatches would fit nicely.

In the late evening, my other neighbor came with a fully loaded spits barge, the Yannick. That night, he didn’t put his ropes nicely, so the whole night, we were all moving from one side to another. Bashing and the noise of tiers being squeezed made it horrible to sleep. The cold winter didn’t make it easier. Fortunately I had an petroleum heather.

Watergeus – Slow progress

22th October 2006 – Another two & halve meters have been added. Since there are now enough plates and ribs, one of the major supports has been added. This support should keep everything straight and tightly together.

While removing a part of the old L-profile, used for the water tanks in the old days, I felt overboard with tools and clothes. I made it safely to my boat, but the tools and gloves were lost. Quickly changed clothes and continued working…

Watergeus – Hatches support

21st October 2006 – In the morning, I helped aboard my girlfriends barge, cleaning the plates of the bow.

We have added the strips to the side of the plates. These strips will be the ribs of the upper structure. Just welding the side plates is not strong enough. Also the plates will have a waving motive if they are not attached to the ribs.

The set of hatches I’ve bought exists of a beginning and an ending hatch. For those to fit, a special gudder needs to be welded. It took us some time to get in place.


Watergeus – First hatch in position

15th October 2006 – The first part of the sides were put in position. A couple of the hatches were placed to get an impression. It is not easy to create a side over the length of 24 meters and keeping it straight. Halfway, sand will be loaded in the boat to get her in a better shape.

When the first couple of hatches are placed, the already build part will be finished first. The plates now need to be welded completely.

Watergeus – Blue board

14th October 2006 – After a heavy night, we placed the roof on the newly created cabin. The roof wasn’t good, so we started again. A very time consuming job.

The Blue board was placed in the late afternoon. My ship looks again a bit more like a real commercial barge.

Varta – Going to the yard

13th October 2006 – Together with my neighbour we would bring the ship to the yard. Several things went wrong. My neighbour had to unload a cement ship, so we lost some time. During the journey with the Varta, the engine wasn’t functioning as it should. We missed the opening hours of the bridge and had to wait. We were still in time to be dry-docked and had a good party in the evening with all the neighbours.

Moving the Varta to the yard

13th October 2006 – Early in the morning I helped my neighbour with his work to unload a cement barge. Two hours later we left for Ghent. Today, we would sail with my girlfriends spits to the shipyard in Sluiskil. We arrived at 10 o’clock, left at twelve and arrived at the yard around five. Till six o’clock the Varta was completely dry-docked. We had a drink…